
made in canada

Choosing Canadian Paper

Laser Sharp Printing & Signs is a proud supporter of Canadian manufacturers, suppliers, workers, and of course, customers.

To help you buy Canadian, we have identified specific products with a maple leaf and/or text to highlight paper choices that are either made in Canada or products of Canada:

🍁MiC = Made in Canada – product is made in Canada, but may include imported material

🍁PoC = Product of Canada – product is made in Canada from Canadian sourced materials

🍁 PoC♻️100% = Product of Canada, recycled – product is made in Canada with 100% recycled material that Canadians put in their bin!

Honourably Canadian

sticker sheets

Made in BC Sticker Sheets

Our sticker sheet products are not only made in Canada, but they are made locally in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia, greatly reducing the need for long distance shipping.

Custom Greeting Cards

Create your own artwork and order greeting cards printed on 🍁 PoC♻️100% cardstock. Printed in Canada on Canadian paper, and trimmed and creased to perfection on a machine made in Canada, this is a product you can be proud of on several levels!

greeting card printing

Print Canada – Support Canada

Here are some other important ways that Laser Sharp Printing & Signs helps you to buy Canadian: